The Korean Journal of Urological Oncology 2004;2(3):161-165.
Published online September 30, 2004.
6부위와 12부위 경직장초음파유도하 전립선생검의 전립선암 검출률 비교
이상욱, 박민영, 구자현, 곽철, 정현, 김승협, 이은식, 이상은
서울대학교 의과대학 비뇨기과학교실
Comparison of 6 and 12 Core Transrectal Ultrasound Guided Prostate Biopsy for the Prostate Cancer Detection
Sang Wook Lee , Min Young Park , Ja Hyeon Ku , Cheol Kwak , Hyeon Jeong , Seung Hyup Kim , Eunsik Lee , Sang Eun Lee
Department of Urology, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Correspondence:  Eunsik Lee
Comparing standard sextant biopsy to 12 core biopsy, we determined whether doubling the sextant biopsy improves prostate cancer detection. Materials and Methods: Between January 2000 and May 2003, 421 men underwent transrectal ultrasound guided prostate biopsy with 6 or 12 peripheral zone tissue cores for elevated prostate specific antigen(PSA), abnormality on digital rectal examination and/or focal lesion in transrectal ultrasonography. Cancer detection rates were compared in 6 core group(166 patients) and 12 core group(255 patients). Results: The cancer detection rate in the 6 core group was 30.1%, and in the 12 core group 32.9%. There was no significant difference in overall cancer detection rate in the 2 groups(p=0.544). Also, when stratified with regard to total PSA, transrectal ultrasound volume or digital rectal examination findings, there was no significant difference in cancer detection between the two groups. Conclusions: It seems that the overall cancer detection rate is not significantly increased by 12 core biopsy when compared to the sextant biopsy. (Korean J Uro-Oncol 2004;2:161-165)
Key Words: Biopsy, Needle, Prostatic neoplasm, Diagnosis

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