Health Equity Research Outcomes and Improvement Consortium Prostate Cancer Health Precision Africa1K: Closing the Health Equity Gap Through Rural Community Inclusion
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Prostate cancer shows significant racial disparity, with men of African ancestry disproportionately impacted. While prostate cancer health disparity studies focus on elucidating the contributing socioeconomic, lifestyle, environmental, biological and underlying genetic factors, genome sequencing is helping to reduce the burden through disease stratification and treatment. Sub-Saharan Africa has, till now, been excluded from these benefits. The new Prostate Cancer Precision Health Africa1K Health Equity Research Outcomes and Improvement Consortium has been tasked with addressing this gap. Initiating efforts in Southern Africa, with the highest globally recorded regional mortality rates, in this review we discuss our earliest observations, with the objective to share knowledge, encourage further inclusivity across Sub-Saharan Africa, while considering challenges and benefits. Most notably, and in contrast to regions of current scientific efforts, African nations not only represent extreme disparities in rural-urban transition, but our early data also suggests that this transition has direct impact on both genetic and nongenetic health determinants, with further translation into tumour genome disparities. Ultimately, we propose from this first-of-its-kind resource, that rural communities provide an unmet opportunity to control for cultural practices, regional movement, genetic ancestry, and environmental exposures to enhance African inclusion in prostate cancer health disparity studies.
Despite economically stable transitioned countries recording the highest prostate cancer incidence rates, in contrast mortality rates are disproportionately elevated in global regions of economic transition, with a bias towards Sub-Saharan Africa [1]. However, controlling for economic status and healthcare access, the United States Veterans Health Administration Cohort comparing 75-thousand Black and 207-thousand White male veterans, found Black men to have double the prostate cancer risk at a younger age, with more aggressive disease presentation [2]. A highly heritable cancer, African ancestry is a significant risk factor, while disease presentation is both biologically and genomically unique [3]. Ranked the lead cause of male associated cancer deaths in Sub-Saharan Africa [4], with rates almost 3-fold greater than the United States, while surpassing the Caribbean in Southern and Central Africa [1], we and others have called for the inclusion of African nations in prostate cancer health disparity studies.
Recognising the lack of global health efforts, the United States Department of Defense (DoD) and Prostate Cancer Research Program initiated the FY21 Health Equity Research and Outcomes Improvement Consortium (HEROIC) Award, funding 2 teams. The Inclusive Cancer Care Research Equity (iCCaRE) for Black Men Consortium, led out of the Mayo Clinic Community Health Initiative in Florida, is focused on providing quality care, support, skills and solutions tailored for Black men diagnosed with prostate cancer in the United States and West Africa. The HEROIC Prostate Cancer Precision Health (PCaPH) Africa1K Consortium, led out of the University of Sydney in Australia, with partner leads at the University of Pretoria in South Africa, the University of Nairobi in Kenya and the University of Illinois at Chicago in the United States, is using a single model design to establish a representative Southern, East, West African and African American inclusive resource (1,000 Black men) to interrogate patient-matched genomic, lifestyle and environmental data aimed at establishing African-relevant criteria for prostate cancer treatment and prevention.
As the first of the developed study sites, the Southern African Prostate Cancer Study (SAPCS) is providing the HEROIC PCaPH Africa1K members with foundational, yet currently unmet, data for the continent. Notably, we report a 2.1-fold and 4.8-fold increase in National Comprehensive Cancer Network criterion for histopathological and prostatespecific antigen defined high-risk disease in Black South African versus Black American men, respectively [5]. Generating germline and somatic data, genomic disparities between Black South African and Black American and non-African men include from rare pathogenic and common risk variants [6,7], to a greater contribution of Africanspecific cancer drivers and therapeutic targets [8-10]. Furthermore, the identification of a new computationally derived molecular taxonomy (global mutational subtypes, GMSs), provides tantalising evidence for a regionally specific environmental carcinogen [8]. While scarce, data is emerging that genomic-based disparities extend across Sub-Saharan Africa [7,11,12]. Country and regional differences include ancestrally driven cancer-type specific risk in Kenya [13], and exasperated prostate cancer disease in rural over urban Black South Africans [5].
We urge for caution in viewing ‘Africa’ and African’ in singular terms. The rich cultural and genetic diversity of Sub-Saharan Africa, as evidenced by over 2,000 languages, is in rapid urbanisation-driven societal transition. With 57% of Sub-Saharan Africa living rurally, the HEROIC PCaPH Africa1K have embraced an inclusive recruitment model, representing South Africa’s most extensive rural (Limpopo) and urban (Gauteng) Provinces (Fig. 1A). Reliant on largely subsistence farming, rural communities experience lower economic status, with links to aggressive prostate cancer [14], while upholding traditional values. Recruiting in the rural capital (Polokwane) and a traditional village-based setting (Vhembe), 89.5% of Vhembe participants report ‘rite of passage to manhood’ circumcision, almost double that of urban sites (Table 1). While community-based surveys suggest less than a quarter of Vhembe men elect traditional-over western-based healthcare, the impact on loss of wages due to vast distances to clinics, unrealistic wait times and over-crowding, is escalating alternative health seeking behaviour. Concurring with others [15], we observe low prostate cancer awareness, although the overall sense from the community, local leaders, healthcare workers and traditional healers is more needs to be done for men’s health. Within the rural SAPCS communities, men are ‘calling for a voice.’ Establishing the first urology clinic in the region, including local training, over 120 diagnostic biopsies were performed in the first year.

Health Equity Research Outcomes and Improvement Consortium Prostate Cancer Precision Health Africa1K Southern African Prostate Cancer Study (SAPCS, n=643) rural-urban recruitment highlights the challenges, considerations and benefits for prostate cancer health disparities in Sub-Saharan Africa. (A) Map of South Africa depicting the SAPCS recruitment sites located within the densely populated economic metropolis of Gauteng and rural sparsely populated province of Limpopo. (B) Self-identified ancestries defined ethno-linguistically as ‘African’ or ‘southern Bantu,’ broadly grouped as Nguni (Ndebele, Swati, Xhosa, and Zulu), Sotho-Tswana (Northern Sotho, Pedi, and Tswana), Tsonga (including Shangaan) and Venda, or ‘non-African’ including Afrikaans, Cape Coloured, Indian, Namibian Baster, and White South African. Shared ancestry represents parents from a single ethno-linguistic identifier, while mixed ancestry represents either different African or an African/non- African parental ethno-linguistic contribution. Additionally, 73.9% of the rural recruits reported a 22-generational (maternal and paternal grandparent shared) single Southern Bantu ethno-linguistic family identifier, in contrast to 25.7% reported for urban recruits (data not shown). (C) Place of birth was reported and either matched or mismatched with recruitment site, while (D) lifetime residence defined as the longest recorded provincial residence (reported for periods over 5 years), irrespective of place of birth, matching or mismatching recruitment site. (E) Global mutational subtype (GMS) defined through whole prostate tumour genome variant clustering derived molecular taxonomy for 82 recruits (24 rural, 58 urban) previously defined as ‘universal’ with good prognosis (GMS-A), ‘African-European’ with poor prognosis (GMS-C) or ‘African-specific’ (GMS-B and -D) [8]. While absent in 53 Australian European genomes, notably a single rural White Afrikaner and single Cape Coloured presented with GMS-D and GMS-B, respectively (Table 1). WGS, whole-genome sequencing.

HEROIC PCaPH Africa1K preliminary data for 643 South African SAPCS recruits from 4 study sites, 2 each defined as rural (Limpopo) or urban (Gauteng)
In contrast, SAPCS urology clinics are well established in the urban metropolis. Although recruits present earlier (average 6 years), the rapid pace of urbanisation presents the team with a different set of challenges. Significantly more likely to represent both inter-continental and non-African genetic admixture (Fig. 1B), in contrast, rural participants show the benefits of parental and even 2nd-generational shared ethnicity (Table 1). Furthermore, rural men are significantly more likely to have been born (Fig. 1C) and lived a lifetime (Fig. 1D) in the same regional location, and in turn less likely to be impacted by varied lifestyle influences and environmental exposures. Conversely, cross-border, urban-urban and rural-urban migration has a major impact on urban community variability with potential to lead to spurious results.
This rural-urban disparity is further highlighted through tumour genome profiling. While urban recruits presented with a greater proportion of rarer African-specific subtypes (GMS-B and -D), rural patients were significantly more likely to present with GMS-C (Fig. 1E), previously linked to poor prognosis [8]. Including a notable (yet under-powered) contribution from Vhembe (4 of 5 participants, Table 1), one may speculate on a plausible contributing environmental carcinogen. Uniquely, the Vhembe community are annually exposed to the endocrine disrupting chemical dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane through indoor spraying for malaria control, linked further to altered hormone levels in adult males [16]. Ultimately, inclusion is crucial for understanding the environmental determinants on prostate cancer risk in these vulnerable populations.
We argue that including rural Sub-Saharan African communities in prostate cancer health disparity studies is crucial for controlling cultural (nongenetic) and ancestral (genetic) confounders, establishing population-relevant model for precision medicine, while drilling into the potential contribution of environmental exposures. This approach could unveil novel insights into prostate cancer aetiology, promote global health equity, while lead to targeted interventions in underserved populations that goes beyond the benefits of genomics alone.
Grant/Fund Support
This research was support by the United States Department of Defense (DoD) Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) Prostate Cancer Research Program (PCRP) HEROIC Consortium Award PC210168 (HEROIC PCaPH Africa1K to VMH, MSRB, GSP and MPN) and partially by an Ideas Development Award PC200390 (TARGET Africa Project to VMH). Previously the Southern African Prostate Cancer (SAPCS) data collection has been supported by the Medical Research Council (MRC) of South Africa (to the late P.A. Venter, University of Limpopo, South Africa) and the Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA to MSRB). VMH is supported by the Petre Foundation via the University of Sydney Foundation, Australia.
Research Ethics
Conforming to the principles of the Helsinki Declaration, patients were recruited as part of the Southern African Prostate Cancer Study (SAPCS) with approval granted by the University of Pretoria Faculty of Health Sciences Research Ethics Committee in South Africa (with US Federal wide assurance FWA00002567 and IRB00002235 IORG0001762; HREC#43/2010) and as initially approved by the Department of Health and Social Development, Limpopo Provincial Government Ethics Committee (#001/2008) and University of Limpopo Medunsa Research and Ethics Committee (#MREC/H/28/2009). Additional IRB review and approval for the SAPCS was granted by the Human Research Protection Office of the US Army Medical Research and Development Command E03333 (HEROIC PCaPH Africa1K) and E02371 (TARGET Africa). All individuals provided written informed consent to participate, including publication.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors have nothing to disclose.
Author Contribution
VMH, MSRB and SBAM manage the SAPCS and conceptualised the review, with additional input from the DoD-funded HEROIC PCaPH Africa1K Steering Committee VMH, MSRB, MPN, GSP, SMP, WJ, DMM and WM). JS, SMP, MN, BR, and KG provided additional SAPCS data collections, clinicopathological confirmations and/or data curation, while WM, MOO, ICM and MPN provided additional perspectives of relevance across Sub-Saharan Africa. VMH performed the formal analyses, visualisation and wrote the original draft. Manuscript was reviewed by all authors.
This study is dedicated to the late Professor Philip A. Venter (University of Limpopo, South Africa) who co-founded the Southern African Prostate Cancer Study (SAPCS). We are grateful to the study participants and their families, as well as the SAPCS fieldworkers.