The Korean Journal of Urological Oncology 2003;1(3):244-247.
Published online September 30, 2003.
서혜부 탈장으로 오진된 고환혼합생식세포종양의 치료
손동완, 김현우, 김태남1, 남종길1, 차창석1, 정문기1
왈레스 기념 침례병원 비뇨기과, 1부산대학교 의과대학 비뇨기과학교실
The Treatment of Testicular Mixed Germ Cell Tumor Misdiagnosed Inguinal Hernia
Dong Wan Sohn , Hyun Woo Kim , Tae Nam Kim 1, Jong Kil Nam 1, Chang Seok Cha 1, Moon Kee Chung 1
0Department of Urology, Wallace Memorial Baptist Hospital, Korea
1Department of Urology, College of Medicine, Pusan National University, Busan, Korea
Correspondence:  Chang Seok Cha
Mixed germ cell tumor in testis is a rare disease in urology. We report a case of testicular mixed germ cell tumor in a 22-year-old male who was misdiagnosed inguinal hernia and managed by radical orchiectomy with hemiscrotalectomy. Diagnosis was made by tumor marker and frozen biopsy of suspicious testicular lesion. Tumor staging was made by chest PA and abdominopelvic CT. Postoperatively, retroperitoneal lymph node dissection and chemotherapy was done for complete resolution. In three months of follow up, no evidence of reccurrence was recognized. (Korean J Uro-Oncol 2003;1:244-247)
Key Words: Mixed germ cell tumor, Modified retroperitoneal lymph node dissection, Chemotherapy
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