전립선생검의 적절한 Core 수에 대한 고찰 |
유창희 |
한림대학교 의과대학 비뇨기과학교실 |
What is the Optimal Number of Cores in Prostate Biopsy? |
Changhee Yoo |
Department of Urology, College of Medicine, Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea |
Changhee Yoo |
Abstract |
To improve detection rate of prostate cancer in prostate biopsy, it is important to select proper location and the number of biopsy cores. In many previous studies, various biopsy schemes have been suggested to increase biopsy efficacy. However, the most widely used current biopsy scheme still has some limitations, so that further studies are needed. Currently, 12-14 core extended biopsy has been proved to be more efficacious than standard 6 core biopsy as initial biopsy scheme. For more meticulous re-biopsy, clinically important locations which were not included in initial biopsy, such as anterior fibromuscular zone or transition zone, should be covered as well as enough number of biopsy cores. Image guided prostate biopsy considered to be helpful for improving diagnosis efficacy. However, it needs more clinical experience to be popular. (Korean J Urol Oncol 2014;12:95-100) |
Key Words:
Prostatic neoplasms, Biopsy, Large-core needle, Diagnosis |