근치적 전립선절제술 후 방광조영술의 유용성: 방광조영술과 요도카테터주위 요도조영술의 전향적 비교연구 |
남종길, 박창수, 김태남, 박성우, 이완, 정문기 |
Usefulness of Cystography after Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy: a Prospective Comparison between Cystography and Pericatheter Retrograde Urethrography |
Jong Kil Nam , Chang Soo Park , Tae Nam Kim , Sung Woo Park , Wan Lee , Moon Kee Chung |
Department of Urology, Pusan National University Yangsan Hospital, Yangsan, Korea |
Moon Kee Chung |
Abstract |
Purpose: To evaluate the usefulness of cystography after radical retropubic prostatectomy and the appropriated period of indwelling catheter removal, we prospectively compared the usefulness of cystography and pericatheter RGU to assess the integrity of the anastomosis site. Materials and Methods: Between 2009 and 2010, cystography and pericatheter RGU was performed in 113 patients who underwent radical prostatectomy on POD 3 and 7 to reveal the presence of extravasation. If anastomotic extravasation was showed by both tests on POD 7, we performed the follow-up imaging study until there was no sign of the contrast extravasation. Results: The mean age of the study population was 66.0±6.1 years(range 51-82). The number of the patients who showed no extravasation on POD 3 and 7 were 81 and 96 patients, respectively. In cases of extravasation on POD 3, 2 patients showed only on cystography, 3 patients only on pericatheter RGU and 27 patients on both images. In cases of extravasation on POD 7, 3 patients showed only on cystography, 2 patients only on pericatheter RGU and 12 patients on both images. The 244 pairs of total 259 pairs(94.2%) showed concordant results on both imaging studies. There was no significant difference in extravasation rates between the two operation methods Conclusions: Our study showed that both tests provided similar results in all patients. However, because cystography is more simplicity, and less affected by technique, we suggest that cystography is more preferable. Because of the false negative results and the potential for disruption, we currently recommend delaying catheter removal until postoperative day 7 or later. (Korean J Urol Oncol 2011;9:17-22) |
Key Words:
Prostatectomy, Catheterization, Urethra, Urinary bladder |