후복막강에 발생한 퇴행성 신경초종 |
김일한, 김선일, 임현이1, 이은주2, 김영수, 김세중 |
아주대학교 의과대학 비뇨기과학교실, 1병리학교실, 2영상의학교실 |
Retroperitoneal Ancient Schwannoma |
Il Han Kim , Sun Il Kim , Hyunee Yim 1, Eun Ju Lee 2, Young Soo Kim , Se Joong Kim |
0Departments of Urology, Korea 1Departments of Urology, Pathology and
Se Joong Kim |
Abstract |
An ancient schwannoma is a rare variant of schwannoma characterized by degenerative changes and diffuse hypocellularity. Because a retroperitoneal schwannoma is usually asymptomatic, the diagnosis is often casual and difficult to determine preoperatively. Magnetic resonance imaging is the most valuable radiologic technique for its evaluation. The treatment of choice is complete surgical excision. Herein, we report a case of retroperitoneal ancient schwannoma in a 52-year-old woman presenting with an incidentally found retroperitoneal tumor. The patient has no evidence of disease 6 months after the surgery.(Korean J Urol Oncol 2008;6:39-42) |
Key Words:
Schwannoma, Retroperitoneal space |